Thanks, I had a mother..........

It is always said that the word ‘woman’ can`t stand without a ‘man’ and  the word ‘lady’ can`t  stand without  a ‘lad’, similarly ‘she’ without ‘he', etc, etc…..
But how many times we ask ourselves that the man kind is capable enough to survive without a woman? In every developed organism, the responsibilities and the activities  of the female is  more responsible for  its existence than that of her male counterpart.
In case of human society, a women is almost solely responsible for the fore coming  offspring. Like other animals  a man is always try to establish the supremacy of his valuable genes by the virtue of the instincts. The simple but more  complex process is called fertilization. A single potent sperm is more hard working than the man who produce it to create a new life. Apart from the fun and enjoyment at the end of the day a great responsibility has to take the lady to give a birth to a child.The easiest way to escape from this liability is the medical termination of the pregnancy or abortion. But the only easiest process can give the species a fatal chance of extinction.
But a woman who is happily accept the painful experiences of giving a birth to a child and a long marathon painstaking pregnancy, it is not the end of her responsibility but  the commencement of the newer and greater liabilities and responsibilities. At the same time a man is not tested at all in terms of tolerance. If a man suppose to give a birth to a child after a long miserable pregnancy, I am sure the human civilization may  extincts. A neonate or a child grows up under the close observation of his or her mother. The nursery and primary education as well as the punctilio, the social justice,tolerance,culture and the jurisprudence  are slowly but steadily transmitted through  a mother, a truly teacher.
In fact an advanced civilization is the gift of the mothers, where a dignified and respected mom creates a peaceful decent atmosphere for her child. Education and open- mindedness makes a child a notional rationale and responsible citizen. There are few communities and countries treat their women as the “wonderful  instruments for enjoyments” and a “sophisticated machine for child birth”. These lusty primitive culture produce an inferior, fanatic,fundamentalist society based on terror, violence and ultra orthodox religion.
A mother or a woman is the cornerstone  of a society, in our practical lives we feel their excellence and existences as a caring mother, a playful friendly sister, a healing nurse and a very special girl friend or a cozy supportive better half. They make our lives a happy one and make our world heaven with the hope of a more hospitable planet for our future generation.


  1. Oh my dear son,
    what a write up, what a feeling and an obituary for the mother class! You indeed speak like an ancient sage. I remain your obidient listener. God bless you, son.


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