More humane than human.

Yesterday I witnessed the world`s greatest and wonderful relationship of a creature which was not likely human, in The National Geographic Channel. The story (real story) was about a happy family of a zebra stallion, his mare and their loving new born baby (calf). It was happened in the midst of the dry summer in tropical savanna (h) of Africa.
The family was a happy and contented one after the auspicious birth of a calf. It became a little sweet family like ours. Meanwhile the black ominous cloud was appeared to nibbling the bright sun of their happiness. The mare became feeble and vacillating after a sudden severe injury that leads her life to an end. The helpless father and son watched her throughout the long tropical days, as well as the sleepless nights, protected her from all possible dangers. They were sniffing all around her body and try to alleviate her pain. They frequently looked over the sky, as if they silently prayed. There lives were become more complicated and stagnant. They were almost motionless except little sluggish, dull movement from the toddler and a never ending waiting for a miracle. God does everything except a miracle. The hungry cub (calf) was wandering her mother all the time and touched her breasts as he was try to monitor the murmurs of her mother`s heart.
But they could not prevent the greatest of the dangers; the death. The helpless moaning creature at last closed her eyes for ever after a several unsuccessful attempts and fruitless efforts to open it. The overwhelmed father and son frequently rubbed the carcass with their head and neck. But she remained unmoved. They nodded their head in absolute frustrations and painful agonies.
But they did not leave her; eventually they protected her from the scavengers. Suddenly a vulture came into the center stage, the father and son pushed it back, the vulture retreated. After a while a flock of vultures attended and attacked the father and the son, the stallion and his brave son moved back a few yards and looked back again and again. The same repetitions were happened for a long time and finally the unfortunate father and the son decided to leave the place and the dearest one. Then they slowly and unwillingly walked ahead, the little calf stumbled and nodded every now and then in a slow silent walk. The father also awaited and walked slowly with the toddler for accompany.
By the afternoon they reached the herd and joined the group. The thick dust in the illusive dusk and the big red setting Sun witnessed the greatest tragedy of an unspeakable species. In the noisy atmosphere of the evening party the motherless poor calf observed many milking mothers, but no one was eager to adopt him. Only his father is the sleepless vigil, who could protect him beneath the vast expansion of the sky like her heavenly mother.
Tomorrow they all have to cross the river ‘Maro’ for the great migration for new vegetation and a new life. Their future might be insecure but their bonding is unbreakable.


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