A bloddy heart and broken wings.

Yesterday I experienced an intolerable pain in my heart. I could not find any reason behind it. The allegation was a serious one, as if I payed  extra attention to a self conscious lady who was undergoing  a psychological  turmoil, intentionally to got a little bit of favour or advantage to enjoy her youth. That may  wounded her entity and soul.
First of all I begged unconditional forgiveness to her. I am not a misogynist, not a lascivious person also, I am an ultra humanist who believes in absolute monogamy.
She is in the same age group of my niece and she is at least twenty years younger than me. My son is now eight  years old, my wife has  passed away,  who was suffering  from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia  five years back. My life is now concentrated entirely on my son who is my only own and the only visible remembrance of my golden days.  A few number of person whom I have no blood relation but they are more than that. They are the only companions  of my lonely avenue. I never felt their existence as a unlawful  intruder but a very warm personal one. That’s why I created a comfortable world of few.
Her heart was broken like a Belgium mirror by a deadly stroke of summer tempest that penetrated through the  open windows  of her mind.  The gems and jewels of her heart were scattered around  her path,as if they  had no worthy values like pebbles at the roadside.  she became the  last person who was awaiting for the great migration to eternity and felt the indescribable  pain of  loosing paradise. Everything became bitter and sobered to her and try to found a little piece of peace from the almighty. An uncanny  fear  grasped her thoughts and confidence.

This was my tremendous stupidity that compelled me to compensate her  with the consolation and tried hard to helped her to overcome the worst phase of life. Certainly my word of consolation was neither comprehensive  nor  commensurate her pain and agony. Perhaps  my affection didn`t  touched her  or it sprinkled insult to her injury, she translated me wrong and seemed as if I was waiting for unlawful  opportunities. She never came to understand that I have a  heart of a  caring father  and a sweet heart  of  mother  too. Because I look after my child with the duties of a responsible father and  with the tender care of a sweet caring mother.
 May God bless her, and fortified  her by the  virtue of humanity……………………………


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. awesome....no comments for this type of blog...jst mind blowing...

  3. I fail to note why a big heart should not learn to overlook to a few bites of some social insects. Instead of opening everything to the wall, its better to spray insecticides to week out them from the society. I dont think these kind of species have at all learnt to repent for their misdeeds nor they will ever learn. They simply know to spoil others lives. They connet to others only to bite and bleed- nothing else. These are easy and cheap commodity. Forget about this sect.

  4. Please read 'weed out' instead of 'week out' in my comment.


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