The perpetual love...............

She  was truly a Penelope and a great peripeteia of my life. It is hardly I could  describe her. My English is as poor as my fate. Some grimed jawed and John Bull may find criminal offenses to slay the greatest language by me. Although I have already faced some of them who rename me  as a “Jackanapes.”
She came to my life with all the wellness and  a lapicide who created my lapis life a happy one. She gave me everything I needed, the treasure she gave me is perpetual. She taught me how to love and how to live.
Now I realize, even after her departure, she is always with me like a shadow,’the intangible friend’. She taught me the important lessons of humanity and the values of life. Some moral qualities  she poured into me that helps me now, to live and live for other. She was a teacher of human life and humanity, who taught me  how to live in peace instead of jeopardizes.
Thank you very much for your  valuable lessons. An unrecognized mentor who gave me a lot and giving more than that after her departure to a slow and poor learner like me. She disabused me from all the false, wrong and evil notions for ever.
Can I  call you an Angel?
Thank you once again………………………………………


  1. No praise is worthy thy name for an amazing disclosure of life.

  2. The mentor who was able to contribute a lot after 'her' departure, how can she be an unrecognised? Its better to trace your angel to talk to her face to face if she is able to share your feelings.


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