The death of a princess and birth of a magi……

The death of a princess and birth of a magi……

She was an  old fashioned, fogyish old maid. Her old maidish character imprisoned herself as an incognito, who was always wore white clothes. Her dress materials were costly but some kind of orthodox styled, old fashioned.People used to laugh at her, as if she was the perfect cause of ridicule or she was only commensurate for jokes and fun also whispered about her life style. Her only luxury was purchasing white roses every single day those were exhibited in her flower vase and removed the older bunch by the fresher one regularly. Someone who didn`t knew her, he or she must be admitted that she was a widow and came from another planet. But the slum child and street child were greatly obliged and honored her.
She was the assistant head mistress of a renowned government sponsored higher secondary school of nearby, and a dedicated volunteer of ‘child relief and you’ CRY. Every afternoon after her school work, her drawing room was filled up with a decent number of street and slum pupils of the nearing slum areas for free tuition and schooling. This ongoing tradition was one of the cause of her popularity. Some educationists noticed that her freaky ideas of teaching were the best way of teaching. For her contribution in the field of education for the so called ‘unwanted children’ was rewarded by the metropolitan education department.
Her colleagues were jealous for her recognition, they intentionally ignored her and passing insulting comments about her eccentric ism. Although she didn`t bother at all, as if she had hanging a proclamation that “No one kicks a dead dog”. Her this attitude irritated her enemies broadly as an insult to an injury.
One day everybody were astonished to see her photographs published in the daily newspapers, and reported the news of her achieving the national award for social service. That day onward she got some extra attention from the media as well as the neighbors. Her passers by used to addressed her with honor as “Good morning Ma'am…….Good evening.. …Hello Ma'am…etc”. But these extra honors didn`t invigorated her, But she carefully avoided them in her old owned fashion.
The next morning the newspapers revealed her. She was a beautiful Princess of a highly dignified royal dynasty. She completed her entire education in England including her PhD, She was a good shooter, horse rider and she could efficiently fly an aeroplane at her time.
She loved a man who was a socialist and who used to gave her a white rose every day. Her lover was not belonged from a royal family and also not belonged from the same caste she belonged. The royal family could not accepted this relationship, especially from a man who is not from a royal dynasty and caste. This conflict compelled her to left her palace, tittle and surname.
After some days of the major event her boy friend who was also her  lover found dead on the street holding a white rose in his hand which was partly drenched by the blood came from several bullets wounds and the rose became red.
She never returned her royal palace, not married. She made her simple ordinary home to a celestial abode domed with simplicity and humanity…………


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